Description: | A table formatter class with support for a variety of outputs. |
Latest Version: | 2021 |
Source Code: | src/ |
Architecture: |
Dependencies: |
Build Dependencies: |
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AUR Page: | python3-tabulator |
Arch Forum Thread: | 151526 |
Tags: |
Tabulator is a table formatter class that can output tables in a variety of formats. I wrote it because I found myself rewriting code to align tables far too often.
I will add output formats as I need them, but feel free to submit/suggest new ones or improvements on existing ones.
See the TODO list below to see what else I have in mind.
The API is relatively stable but I guarantee nothing. Keep a local copy and include that in your projects if you need to be sure.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This is quick example of how to work with Tabulator. """ from Tabulator import Tabulator # The first row optionally contains the headers. rows = [('Dec', 'Bin', 'Oct', 'Hex')] # Collect some data in the rows. for i in range(20): rows.append((i, bin(i)[2:], oct(i)[2:], hex(i)[2:])) # To indicate that the first row contains headers, a header alignment parameter # must be passed. tab = Tabulator(rows, headers=('c',), cols=('r',)) print(tab.to_box_table())
│Dec│ Bin │Oct│Hex│
│ 0│ 0│ 0│ 0│
│ 1│ 1│ 1│ 1│
│ 2│ 10│ 2│ 2│
│ 3│ 11│ 3│ 3│
│ 4│ 100│ 4│ 4│
│ 5│ 101│ 5│ 5│
│ 6│ 110│ 6│ 6│
│ 7│ 111│ 7│ 7│
│ 8│ 1000│ 10│ 8│
│ 9│ 1001│ 11│ 9│
│ 10│ 1010│ 12│ a│
│ 11│ 1011│ 13│ b│
│ 12│ 1100│ 14│ c│
│ 13│ 1101│ 15│ d│
│ 14│ 1110│ 16│ e│
│ 15│ 1111│ 17│ f│
│ 16│10000│ 20│ 10│
│ 17│10001│ 21│ 11│
│ 18│10010│ 22│ 12│
│ 19│10011│ 23│ 13│
If this doesn’t align in the browser, copy it and paste it into a code editor, or look at the page source.
The following table was generated by python3-nist using Tabulator. Note the different alignments in each column, including decimal alignment.
Z Symbol Standard Weight Uncertainty
--- ------ --------------- -----------
1 H 1.00794 ±0.00007
2 He 4.002602 ±0.000002
3 Li 6.941 ±0.002
4 Be 9.012182 ±0.000003
5 B 10.811 ±0.007
6 C 12.0107 ±0.0008
7 N 14.0067 ±0.0002
8 O 15.9994 ±0.0003
9 F 18.9984032 ±0.0000005
10 Ne 20.1797 ±0.0006
11 Na 22.98976928 ±0.00000002
12 Mg 24.3050 ±0.0006
13 Al 26.9815386 ±0.0000008
14 Si 28.0855 ±0.0003
15 P 30.973762 ±0.000002
16 S 32.065 ±0.005
17 Cl 35.453 ±0.002
18 Ar 39.948 ±0.001
19 K 39.0983 ±0.0001
20 Ca 40.078 ±0.004
21 Sc 44.955912 ±0.000006
22 Ti 47.867 ±0.001
23 V 50.9415 ±0.0001
24 Cr 51.9961 ±0.0006
25 Mn 54.938045 ±0.000005
26 Fe 55.845 ±0.002
27 Co 58.933195 ±0.000005
28 Ni 58.6934 ±0.0004
29 Cu 63.546 ±0.003
30 Zn 65.38 ±0.02
31 Ga 69.723 ±0.001
32 Ge 72.64 ±0.01
33 As 74.92160 ±0.00002
34 Se 78.96 ±0.03
35 Br 79.904 ±0.001
36 Kr 83.798 ±0.002
37 Rb 85.4678 ±0.0003
38 Sr 87.62 ±0.01
39 Y 88.90585 ±0.00002
40 Zr 91.224 ±0.002
41 Nb 92.90638 ±0.00002
42 Mo 95.96 ±0.02
43 Tc 98
44 Ru 101.07 ±0.02
45 Rh 102.90550 ±0.00002
46 Pd 106.42 ±0.01
47 Ag 107.8682 ±0.0002
48 Cd 112.411 ±0.008
49 In 114.818 ±0.003
50 Sn 118.710 ±0.007
51 Sb 121.760 ±0.001
52 Te 127.60 ±0.03
53 I 126.90447 ±0.00003
54 Xe 131.293 ±0.006
55 Cs 132.9054519 ±0.0000002
56 Ba 137.327 ±0.007
57 La 138.90547 ±0.00007
58 Ce 140.116 ±0.001
59 Pr 140.90765 ±0.00002
60 Nd 144.242 ±0.003
61 Pm 145
62 Sm 150.36 ±0.02
63 Eu 151.964 ±0.001
64 Gd 157.25 ±0.03
65 Tb 158.92535 ±0.00002
66 Dy 162.500 ±0.001
67 Ho 164.93032 ±0.00002
68 Er 167.259 ±0.003
69 Tm 168.93421 ±0.00002
70 Yb 173.054 ±0.005
71 Lu 174.9668 ±0.0001
72 Hf 178.49 ±0.02
73 Ta 180.94788 ±0.00002
74 W 183.84 ±0.01
75 Re 186.207 ±0.001
76 Os 190.23 ±0.03
77 Ir 192.217 ±0.003
78 Pt 195.084 ±0.009
79 Au 196.966569 ±0.000004
80 Hg 200.59 ±0.02
81 Tl 204.3833 ±0.0002
82 Pb 207.2 ±0.1
83 Bi 208.98040 ±0.00001
84 Po 209
85 At 210
86 Rn 222
87 Fr 223
88 Ra 226
89 Ac 227
90 Th 232.03806 ±0.00002
91 Pa 231.03588 ±0.00002
92 U 238.02891 ±0.00003
93 Np 237
94 Pu 244
95 Am 243
96 Cm 247
97 Bk 247
98 Cf 251
99 Es 252
100 Fm 257
101 Md 258
102 No 259
103 Lr 262
104 Rf 265
105 Db 268
106 Sg 271
107 Bh 272
108 Hs 270
109 Mt 276
110 Ds 281
111 Rg 280
112 Cn 285
113 Uut 284
114 Uuq 289
115 Uup 288
116 Uuh 293
117 Uus 292
118 Uuo 294
Here’s the same table in Pandoc’s markdown format:
|Z |Symbol|Standard Weight|Uncertainty|
| 1| H | 1.00794 |±0.00007 |
| 2| He | 4.002602 |±0.000002 |
| 3| Li | 6.941 |±0.002 |
| 4| Be | 9.012182 |±0.000003 |
| 5| B | 10.811 |±0.007 |
| 6| C | 12.0107 |±0.0008 |
| 7| N | 14.0067 |±0.0002 |
| 8| O | 15.9994 |±0.0003 |
| 9| F | 18.9984032 |±0.0000005 |
| 10| Ne | 20.1797 |±0.0006 |
| 11| Na | 22.98976928 |±0.00000002|
| 12| Mg | 24.3050 |±0.0006 |
| 13| Al | 26.9815386 |±0.0000008 |
| 14| Si | 28.0855 |±0.0003 |
| 15| P | 30.973762 |±0.000002 |
| 16| S | 32.065 |±0.005 |
| 17| Cl | 35.453 |±0.002 |
| 18| Ar | 39.948 |±0.001 |
| 19| K | 39.0983 |±0.0001 |
| 20| Ca | 40.078 |±0.004 |
| 21| Sc | 44.955912 |±0.000006 |
| 22| Ti | 47.867 |±0.001 |
| 23| V | 50.9415 |±0.0001 |
| 24| Cr | 51.9961 |±0.0006 |
| 25| Mn | 54.938045 |±0.000005 |
| 26| Fe | 55.845 |±0.002 |
| 27| Co | 58.933195 |±0.000005 |
| 28| Ni | 58.6934 |±0.0004 |
| 29| Cu | 63.546 |±0.003 |
| 30| Zn | 65.38 |±0.02 |
| 31| Ga | 69.723 |±0.001 |
| 32| Ge | 72.64 |±0.01 |
| 33| As | 74.92160 |±0.00002 |
| 34| Se | 78.96 |±0.03 |
| 35| Br | 79.904 |±0.001 |
| 36| Kr | 83.798 |±0.002 |
| 37| Rb | 85.4678 |±0.0003 |
| 38| Sr | 87.62 |±0.01 |
| 39| Y | 88.90585 |±0.00002 |
| 40| Zr | 91.224 |±0.002 |
| 41| Nb | 92.90638 |±0.00002 |
| 42| Mo | 95.96 |±0.02 |
| 43| Tc | 98 | |
| 44| Ru | 101.07 |±0.02 |
| 45| Rh | 102.90550 |±0.00002 |
| 46| Pd | 106.42 |±0.01 |
| 47| Ag | 107.8682 |±0.0002 |
| 48| Cd | 112.411 |±0.008 |
| 49| In | 114.818 |±0.003 |
| 50| Sn | 118.710 |±0.007 |
| 51| Sb | 121.760 |±0.001 |
| 52| Te | 127.60 |±0.03 |
| 53| I | 126.90447 |±0.00003 |
| 54| Xe | 131.293 |±0.006 |
| 55| Cs | 132.9054519 |±0.0000002 |
| 56| Ba | 137.327 |±0.007 |
| 57| La | 138.90547 |±0.00007 |
| 58| Ce | 140.116 |±0.001 |
| 59| Pr | 140.90765 |±0.00002 |
| 60| Nd | 144.242 |±0.003 |
| 61| Pm | 145 | |
| 62| Sm | 150.36 |±0.02 |
| 63| Eu | 151.964 |±0.001 |
| 64| Gd | 157.25 |±0.03 |
| 65| Tb | 158.92535 |±0.00002 |
| 66| Dy | 162.500 |±0.001 |
| 67| Ho | 164.93032 |±0.00002 |
| 68| Er | 167.259 |±0.003 |
| 69| Tm | 168.93421 |±0.00002 |
| 70| Yb | 173.054 |±0.005 |
| 71| Lu | 174.9668 |±0.0001 |
| 72| Hf | 178.49 |±0.02 |
| 73| Ta | 180.94788 |±0.00002 |
| 74| W | 183.84 |±0.01 |
| 75| Re | 186.207 |±0.001 |
| 76| Os | 190.23 |±0.03 |
| 77| Ir | 192.217 |±0.003 |
| 78| Pt | 195.084 |±0.009 |
| 79| Au | 196.966569 |±0.000004 |
| 80| Hg | 200.59 |±0.02 |
| 81| Tl | 204.3833 |±0.0002 |
| 82| Pb | 207.2 |±0.1 |
| 83| Bi | 208.98040 |±0.00001 |
| 84| Po | 209 | |
| 85| At | 210 | |
| 86| Rn | 222 | |
| 87| Fr | 223 | |
| 88| Ra | 226 | |
| 89| Ac | 227 | |
| 90| Th | 232.03806 |±0.00002 |
| 91| Pa | 231.03588 |±0.00002 |
| 92| U | 238.02891 |±0.00003 |
| 93| Np | 237 | |
| 94| Pu | 244 | |
| 95| Am | 243 | |
| 96| Cm | 247 | |
| 97| Bk | 247 | |
| 98| Cf | 251 | |
| 99| Es | 252 | |
|100| Fm | 257 | |
|101| Md | 258 | |
|102| No | 259 | |
|103| Lr | 262 | |
|104| Rf | 265 | |
|105| Db | 268 | |
|106| Sg | 271 | |
|107| Bh | 272 | |
|108| Hs | 270 | |
|109| Mt | 276 | |
|110| Ds | 281 | |
|111| Rg | 280 | |
|112| Cn | 285 | |
|113| Uut | 284 | |
|114| Uuq | 289 | |
|115| Uup | 288 | |
|116| Uuh | 293 | |
|117| Uus | 292 | |
|118| Uuo | 294 | |
and finally the result of inserting it directly into the markdown input for this page:
Z | Symbol | Standard Weight | Uncertainty |
1 | H | 1.00794 | ±0.00007 |
2 | He | 4.002602 | ±0.000002 |
3 | Li | 6.941 | ±0.002 |
4 | Be | 9.012182 | ±0.000003 |
5 | B | 10.811 | ±0.007 |
6 | C | 12.0107 | ±0.0008 |
7 | N | 14.0067 | ±0.0002 |
8 | O | 15.9994 | ±0.0003 |
9 | F | 18.9984032 | ±0.0000005 |
10 | Ne | 20.1797 | ±0.0006 |
11 | Na | 22.98976928 | ±0.00000002 |
12 | Mg | 24.3050 | ±0.0006 |
13 | Al | 26.9815386 | ±0.0000008 |
14 | Si | 28.0855 | ±0.0003 |
15 | P | 30.973762 | ±0.000002 |
16 | S | 32.065 | ±0.005 |
17 | Cl | 35.453 | ±0.002 |
18 | Ar | 39.948 | ±0.001 |
19 | K | 39.0983 | ±0.0001 |
20 | Ca | 40.078 | ±0.004 |
21 | Sc | 44.955912 | ±0.000006 |
22 | Ti | 47.867 | ±0.001 |
23 | V | 50.9415 | ±0.0001 |
24 | Cr | 51.9961 | ±0.0006 |
25 | Mn | 54.938045 | ±0.000005 |
26 | Fe | 55.845 | ±0.002 |
27 | Co | 58.933195 | ±0.000005 |
28 | Ni | 58.6934 | ±0.0004 |
29 | Cu | 63.546 | ±0.003 |
30 | Zn | 65.38 | ±0.02 |
31 | Ga | 69.723 | ±0.001 |
32 | Ge | 72.64 | ±0.01 |
33 | As | 74.92160 | ±0.00002 |
34 | Se | 78.96 | ±0.03 |
35 | Br | 79.904 | ±0.001 |
36 | Kr | 83.798 | ±0.002 |
37 | Rb | 85.4678 | ±0.0003 |
38 | Sr | 87.62 | ±0.01 |
39 | Y | 88.90585 | ±0.00002 |
40 | Zr | 91.224 | ±0.002 |
41 | Nb | 92.90638 | ±0.00002 |
42 | Mo | 95.96 | ±0.02 |
43 | Tc | 98 | |
44 | Ru | 101.07 | ±0.02 |
45 | Rh | 102.90550 | ±0.00002 |
46 | Pd | 106.42 | ±0.01 |
47 | Ag | 107.8682 | ±0.0002 |
48 | Cd | 112.411 | ±0.008 |
49 | In | 114.818 | ±0.003 |
50 | Sn | 118.710 | ±0.007 |
51 | Sb | 121.760 | ±0.001 |
52 | Te | 127.60 | ±0.03 |
53 | I | 126.90447 | ±0.00003 |
54 | Xe | 131.293 | ±0.006 |
55 | Cs | 132.9054519 | ±0.0000002 |
56 | Ba | 137.327 | ±0.007 |
57 | La | 138.90547 | ±0.00007 |
58 | Ce | 140.116 | ±0.001 |
59 | Pr | 140.90765 | ±0.00002 |
60 | Nd | 144.242 | ±0.003 |
61 | Pm | 145 | |
62 | Sm | 150.36 | ±0.02 |
63 | Eu | 151.964 | ±0.001 |
64 | Gd | 157.25 | ±0.03 |
65 | Tb | 158.92535 | ±0.00002 |
66 | Dy | 162.500 | ±0.001 |
67 | Ho | 164.93032 | ±0.00002 |
68 | Er | 167.259 | ±0.003 |
69 | Tm | 168.93421 | ±0.00002 |
70 | Yb | 173.054 | ±0.005 |
71 | Lu | 174.9668 | ±0.0001 |
72 | Hf | 178.49 | ±0.02 |
73 | Ta | 180.94788 | ±0.00002 |
74 | W | 183.84 | ±0.01 |
75 | Re | 186.207 | ±0.001 |
76 | Os | 190.23 | ±0.03 |
77 | Ir | 192.217 | ±0.003 |
78 | Pt | 195.084 | ±0.009 |
79 | Au | 196.966569 | ±0.000004 |
80 | Hg | 200.59 | ±0.02 |
81 | Tl | 204.3833 | ±0.0002 |
82 | Pb | 207.2 | ±0.1 |
83 | Bi | 208.98040 | ±0.00001 |
84 | Po | 209 | |
85 | At | 210 | |
86 | Rn | 222 | |
87 | Fr | 223 | |
88 | Ra | 226 | |
89 | Ac | 227 | |
90 | Th | 232.03806 | ±0.00002 |
91 | Pa | 231.03588 | ±0.00002 |
92 | U | 238.02891 | ±0.00003 |
93 | Np | 237 | |
94 | Pu | 244 | |
95 | Am | 243 | |
96 | Cm | 247 | |
97 | Bk | 247 | |
98 | Cf | 251 | |
99 | Es | 252 | |
100 | Fm | 257 | |
101 | Md | 258 | |
102 | No | 259 | |
103 | Lr | 262 | |
104 | Rf | 265 | |
105 | Db | 268 | |
106 | Sg | 271 | |
107 | Bh | 272 | |
108 | Hs | 270 | |
109 | Mt | 276 | |
110 | Ds | 281 | |
111 | Rg | 280 | |
112 | Cn | 285 | |
113 | Uut | 284 | |
114 | Uuq | 289 | |
115 | Uup | 288 | |
116 | Uuh | 293 | |
117 | Uus | 292 | |
118 | Uuo | 294 |
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