2023-05-10 21:46 UTC


    Aria2JsonRpc - Python wrapper for the Aria2 RPC server.

    class Aria2JsonRpc(builtins.object)
     |  Aria2JsonRpc(identity, uri, mode='normal', token=None, http_user=None, http_passwd=None, server_cert=None, client_cert=None, client_cert_password=None, ssl_protocol=None, setup_function=None)
     |  Interface class for interacting with an Aria2 RPC server.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, identity, uri, mode='normal', token=None, http_user=None, http_passwd=None, server_cert=None, client_cert=None, client_cert_password=None, ssl_protocol=None, setup_function=None)
     |      identity: the identity to send to the RPC interface
     |      uri: the URI of the RPC interface
     |      mode:
     |        normal - process requests immediately
     |        batch - queue requests (run with "process_queue")
     |        format - return RPC request objects
     |      token:
     |        RPC method-level authorization token (set using `--rpc-secret`)
     |      http_user, http_password:
     |        HTTP Basic authentication credentials (deprecated)
     |      server_cert:
     |        server certificate for HTTPS connections
     |      client_cert:
     |        client certificate for HTTPS connections
     |      client_cert_password:
     |        prompt for client certificate password
     |      ssl_protocol:
     |        SSL protocol from the ssl module
     |      setup_function:
     |        A function to invoke prior to the first server call. This could be the
     |        launch() method of an Aria2RpcServer instance, for example. This attribute
     |        is set automatically in instances returned from Aria2RpcServer.get_a2jr()
     |  addMetalink(self, metalink, options=None, position=None)
     |      aria2.addMetalink method
     |      metalink: base64-encoded metalink file
     |      options: dictionary of additional options
     |      position: position in queue
     |      Returns an array of GIDs.
     |  addTorrent(self, torrent, uris=None, options=None, position=None)
     |      aria2.addTorrent method
     |      torrent: base64-encoded torrent file
     |      uris: list of webseed URIs
     |      options: dictionary of additional options
     |      position: position in queue
     |      Returns a GID.
     |  addUri(self, uris, options=None, position=None)
     |      aria2.addUri method
     |      uris: list of URIs
     |      options: dictionary of additional options
     |      position: position in queue
     |      Returns a GID
     |  add_HTTPBasicAuthHandler(self, user, passwd)
     |      Add a handler for HTTP Basic authentication.
     |      If either user or passwd are None, the handler is removed.
     |  add_HTTPSHandler(self, server_cert=None, client_cert=None, client_cert_password=None, protocol=None)
     |      Add a handler for HTTPS connections with optional server and client
     |      certificates.
     |  add_metalink(self, path, options=None, position=None)
     |      A wrapper around addMetalink for loading files.
     |  add_torrent(self, path, uris=None, options=None, position=None)
     |      A wrapper around addTorrent for loading files.
     |  changeGlobalOption(self, options)
     |      aria2.changeGlobalOption method
     |      options: dictionary of new options
     |  changeOption(self, gid, options)
     |      aria2.changeOption method
     |      gid: GID to change
     |      options: dictionary of new options
     |               (not all options can be changed for active downloads)
     |  changePosition(self, gid, pos, how)
     |      aria2.changePosition method
     |      gid: GID to change
     |      pos: the position
     |      how: "POS_SET", "POS_CUR" or "POS_END"
     |  changeUri(self, gid, fileIndex, delUris, addUris, position=None)
     |      aria2.changePosition method
     |      gid: GID to change
     |      fileIndex: file to affect (1-based)
     |      delUris: URIs to remove
     |      addUris: URIs to add
     |      position: where URIs are inserted, after URIs have been removed
     |  forcePause(self, gid)
     |      aria2.forcePause method
     |      gid: GID to pause
     |  forcePauseAll(self)
     |      aria2.forcePauseAll method
     |  forceRemove(self, gid)
     |      aria2.forceRemove method
     |      gid: GID to remove
     |  forceShutdown(self)
     |      aria2.forceShutdown method
     |  getFiles(self, gid)
     |      aria2.getFiles method
     |      gid: GID to query
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries.
     |  getGlobalOption(self)
     |      aria2.getGlobalOption method
     |      Returns a dictionary.
     |  getGlobalStat(self)
     |      aria2.getGlobalStat method
     |      Returns a dictionary.
     |  getOption(self, gid)
     |      aria2.getOption method
     |      gid: GID to query
     |      Returns a dictionary of options.
     |  getPeers(self, gid)
     |      aria2.getPeers method
     |      gid: GID to query
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries.
     |  getServers(self, gid)
     |      aria2.getServers method
     |      gid: GID to query
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries.
     |  getSessionInfo(self)
     |      aria2.getSessionInfo method
     |      Returns a dictionary.
     |  getUris(self, gid)
     |      aria2.getUris method
     |      gid: GID to query
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries.
     |  getVersion(self)
     |      aria2.getVersion method
     |      Returns a dictionary.
     |  get_status(self, gid)
     |      Get the status of a single GID.
     |  get_statuses(self, gids)
     |      Get the status of multiple GIDs. The status of each is yielded in order.
     |  iter_handlers(self)
     |      Iterate over handlers.
     |  jsonrpc(self, method, params=None, prefix='aria2.')
     |      POST a request to the RPC interface.
     |  multicall(self, methods)
     |      aria2.multicall method
     |      methods: list of dictionaries (keys: methodName, params)
     |      The method names must be those used by Aria2c, e.g. "aria2.tellStatus".
     |  pause(self, gid)
     |      aria2.pause method
     |      gid: GID to pause
     |  pauseAll(self)
     |      aria2.pauseAll method
     |  polymethod_download(self, downloads, interval=1)
     |      Enqueue a series of downloads and wait for them to finish. Iterate over the
     |      status of each, in order.
     |      downloads:
     |        An iterable over (<type>, <args>, ...) where <type> indicates the "add"
     |        method to use ('addUri', 'addTorrent', 'addMetalink') and everything that
     |        follows are arguments to pass to that method.
     |      interval:
     |        The status check interval while waiting.
     |      Iterates over the download status of finished downloads. "complete"
     |      indicates success. Lists of statuses will be returned for downloads that
     |      create multiple GIDs (e.g. metalinks).
     |  polymethod_download_bool(self, *args, **kwargs)
     |      A wrapper around polymethod_download() which returns a boolean for each
     |      download to indicate success (True) or failure (False).
     |  polymethod_enqueue_many(self, downloads)
     |      Enqueue downloads.
     |      downloads: Same as polymethod_download().
     |  polymethod_enqueue_one(self, download)
     |      Same as polymethod_enqueue_many but for one element.
     |  polymethod_wait_many(self, gid_lists, interval=1)
     |      Wait for the GIDs to complete or fail and return their statuses.
     |      gids:
     |        A list of lists of GIDs.
     |  print_global_status(self)
     |      Print global status of the RPC server.
     |  process_queue(self)
     |      Processed queued requests.
     |  purgeDownloadResult(self)
     |      aria2.purgeDownloadResult method
     |  queue_uris(self, uris, options, interval=None)
     |      Enqueue URIs and wait for download to finish while printing status at
     |      regular intervals.
     |  remove(self, gid)
     |      aria2.remove method
     |      gid: GID to remove
     |  removeDownloadResult(self, gid)
     |      aria2.removeDownloadResult method
     |      gid: GID to remove
     |  remove_HTTPBasicAuthHandler(self)
     |      Remove the HTTP Basic authentication handler.
     |  remove_HTTPSHandler(self)
     |      Remove the HTTPS handler.
     |  remove_handler(self, name)
     |      Remove a handler.
     |  send_request(self, req_obj)
     |      Send the request and return the response.
     |  shutdown(self)
     |      aria2.shutdown method
     |  tellActive(self, keys=None)
     |      aria2.tellActive method
     |      keys: same as tellStatus
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries are the same as those
     |      returned by tellStatus.
     |  tellStatus(self, gid, keys=None)
     |      aria2.tellStatus method
     |      gid: GID to query
     |      keys: subset of status keys to return (all keys are returned otherwise)
     |      Returns a dictionary.
     |  tellStopped(self, offset, num, keys=None)
     |      aria2.tellStopped method
     |      offset: offset from oldest download (same semantics as tellWaiting)
     |      num: same as tellWaiting
     |      keys: same as tellStatus
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries are the same as those
     |      returned by tellStatus.
     |  tellWaiting(self, offset, num, keys=None)
     |      aria2.tellWaiting method
     |      offset: offset from start of waiting download queue
     |              (negative values are counted from the end of the queue)
     |      num: number of downloads to return
     |      keys: same as tellStatus
     |      Returns a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries are the same as those
     |      returned by tellStatus.
     |  unpause(self, gid)
     |      aria2.unpause method
     |      gid: GID to unpause
     |  unpauseAll(self)
     |      aria2.unpauseAll method
     |  update_opener(self)
     |      Build an opener from the current handlers.
     |  wait_for_final_status(self, gid, interval=1)
     |      Wait for a GID to complete or fail and return its status.
     |  wait_for_final_statuses(self, gids, interval=1)
     |      Wait for multiple GIDs to complete or fail and return their statuses in
     |      order.
     |      gids:
     |        A flat list of GIDs.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Static methods defined here:
     |  b64encode_file(path)
     |      Read a file into a base64-encoded string.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
    class Aria2JsonRpcError(builtins.Exception)
     |  Aria2JsonRpcError(msg, connection_error=False)
     |  Base exception raised by this module.
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      Aria2JsonRpcError
     |      builtins.Exception
     |      builtins.BaseException
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, msg, connection_error=False)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  __str__(self)
     |      Return str(self).
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Static methods inherited from builtins.Exception:
     |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
     |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from builtins.BaseException:
     |  __delattr__(self, name, /)
     |      Implement delattr(self, name).
     |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
     |      Return getattr(self, name).
     |  __reduce__(...)
     |      Helper for pickle.
     |  __repr__(self, /)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
     |      Implement setattr(self, name, value).
     |  __setstate__(...)
     |  add_note(...)
     |      Exception.add_note(note) --
     |      add a note to the exception
     |  with_traceback(...)
     |      Exception.with_traceback(tb) --
     |      set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors inherited from builtins.BaseException:
     |  __cause__
     |      exception cause
     |  __context__
     |      exception context
     |  __dict__
     |  __suppress_context__
     |  __traceback__
     |  args
    class Aria2RpcServer(builtins.object)
     |  Aria2RpcServer(cmd, token, port, identity, a2jr_kwargs=None, timeout=10, scheme='http', host='localhost', nice=True, lock=None, quiet=True)
     |  Wrapper to manage starting and stopping an Aria2 RPC server within a context
     |  manager.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __enter__(self)
     |      Same as launch().
     |  __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
     |      Invokes kill()
     |  __init__(self, cmd, token, port, identity, a2jr_kwargs=None, timeout=10, scheme='http', host='localhost', nice=True, lock=None, quiet=True)
     |      cmd:
     |        A list representing the aria2c command to be run along with additional
     |        arguments, eg.
     |            ['aria2c', '--rpc-listen-all=false', '--continue']
     |        or
     |            ['sudo', 'aria2c', '--rpc-listen-all=false', '--continue']
     |        This MUST NOT contain any of the following options:
     |            --enable-rpc
     |            --rpc-secret
     |            --rpc-listen-port
     |        For local use it is recommended to include "--rpc-listen-all=false".
     |      token:
     |        The RPC token to pass to aria2c's --rpc-secret option.
     |      port:
     |        The RPC listen port to pass to aria2c's --rpc-listen-port option.
     |      identity:
     |        The identity to use in the Aria2JsonRpc returned by __enter__.
     |      args:
     |        Additional arguments to aria2c. These must not include --rpc-secret or
     |        --rpc-listen-port.
     |      a2jr_kwargs:
     |        Keyword arguments to pass to Aria2JsonRpc.
     |      timeout:
     |        The timeout when waiting for the server to shut down.
     |      nice:
     |        Default value of "nice" argument to kill() method.
     |      lock:
     |        An optional threading/multiprocessing lock object that can be used as a
     |        context manager to lock the launch method when starting and stopping the
     |        server.
     |      quiet:
     |        If True, suppress output from the RPC server if one is launched.
     |  get_a2jr(self, new=False)
     |      Get an instance of Aria2JsonRpc to interface with the server. This instance
     |      will have its setup_function attribute set so that it can launch the server
     |      dynamically before the first request is sent.
     |  kill(self, nice=None)
     |      Stop the Aria2c RPC server launched by this object if there is one.
     |      nice:
     |        If True, use the RPC "shutdown" method before trying the "forceShutdown"
     |        method. This waits up to 3 seconds even if there are no current downloads.
     |  launch(self)
     |      Launch an instance of the server if necessary and return an Aria2JsonRpc
     |      object to interface with it.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
    class FakeLock(builtins.object)
     |  Dummy context manager to be used as a lock placeholder.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __enter__(self)
     |  __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

    a2jr_from_args(identity, args)
        Return a new Aria2JsonRpc object using the provided arguments.
        See `add_server_arguments`.
    add_options_and_position(params, options=None, position=None)
        Convenience method for adding options and position to parameters.
        Common command-line arguments for the server.
        Accepts an argparse ArgumentParser or group.
        Convert bytes to a human-friendly units..
        Convert seconds to hours, minutes and seconds.
        Process a status response.
    random_token(length, valid_chars=None)
        Get a random secret token for the Aria2 RPC server.
          The length of the token
          A list or other ordered and indexable iterable of valid characters. If not
          given of None, asciinumberic characters with some punctuation characters
          will be used.
        Wrap strings in lists. Other iterables are converted to lists directly.

    ARIA2_CONTROL_FILE_EXT = '.aria2'
    DEFAULT_PORT = 6800
    FINAL_STATUS = ('complete', 'error')
    JSON_ENCODING = 'utf-8'
    LOGGER = <Logger Aria2JsonRpc (WARNING)>
    SERVER_URI_FORMAT = '{}://{}:{:d}/jsonrpc'
    TEMPORARY_STATUS = ('active', 'waiting', 'paused')
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